Monolithic Insulating Joint :
Full Flexibility with Material and Sizes
We produce insulating joints with no limitation to size or class , with Different Pipe Grades according to Customer Requirement .
Our Insulating Joints are Listed and approved by Major Customers World wide , and All are designed to meet and satisfy very high pressure services up to 20,000 psi.
We Follow All ASTM , DIN , & BS Codes For Manufacturing.
INSULATING JOINTS shall be boltless and completely factory assembled in accordance with the appropriate requirements of ASME, ASTM, API, DIN and BS codes. Insulation material is a thermosetting fibre-Glass epoxy material. NEMA G10/11.
Sealing system shall be by two Standard “O” ring seals. Interior and exterior coating by epoxy with a thickness of 150 microns. , Dielectric Resistance @ 5 KV, Isolation Resistance > 50 MOhm, Design According to ANSI/ASME B31.3/4/8, Dimens. ASME VIII Div.I